Product Variations

Product Variations

Variations are similar products that differ from each other only in one or a few features. For example, a T-shirt comes in 3 colors, and each color has 5 sizes. That means 15 products. If we put these products into a variation group, we will have the ability to switch between their colors and sizes on the storefront.

A product can belong only to one group at the same time, but it’s easy to change the product’s group. If a variation is removed from the group, it becomes a standard product.


  •—refer to all product variations.

    Only GET and POST are supported.

  •—refer to a particular product variation.

    GET, PUT, and DELETE are supported.

  •—refer to all product variations of a particular product variation group.

  •—refer to a particular product variation of a particular product variation group.

  •—refer to all product variations of a particular product variation group.

  •—refer to a particular product variation of a particular product variation group.

Pagination and Sorting

Sorting and pagination parameters are inherited from Products.


Filtering parameters are inherited from Products. The Product Variations add-on adds the following filtering parameters, available via Products API or Product Variations API:

  • product_type (enum[P|V])—filter by product type. Allows you to get only default variations or child variations (product_type=V).
  • variation_group_id (int)—filter by variation group. Allows you to get all variations from a particular variation group.
  • variations_by_product_id (int)—filter that allows you to get variations by product ID.
  • parent_product_id (int)—filter that allows you to get child variations.
  • include_child_variations (enum[0|1])—filter that allows you to include child variations to the selection. By default, child variations are not included in the selection for the storefront.
  • group_child_variations (enum[0|1])—filter that allows you to combine child variations in groups. By default, child variations are combined in groups for the storefront, and not combined for the admin panel.

Additional Params

Additional parameters for product selection are inherited from Products. The Product Variations add-on adds the following new parameters, available via Products API or Product Variations API:

  • get_variation_features_variants (enum[0|1])—flag for expanding product data. If the parameter is specified, each variation will have a variation_features_variants array with all the possible feature variants. CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor use that data to show feature variant selectors.
  • get_variation_info (enum[0|1])—flag for expanding product data. If this parameter is specified, the following data will be defined for each variation:
    • variation_feature_ids—IDs of features that were used to create the product variation group;
    • variation_feature_collection—collection of features and their purposes that were used to create the product variation group;
    • variation_group_id—variation group ID;
    • variation_group_code—symbol code of the variation group;
    • variation_parent_product_id—parent product ID;
    • variation_sub_group_id—subgroup symbol ID;
    • variation_features—the values of all variation-capable features of the product;
  • get_variation_name (enum[0|1])—flag for expanding product data. If the parameter is specified, the product name with the label will be defined for each variation in the variation_name property. Example: T-shirt, Color: Blue (Medium).


Fields are inherited from Products. The Product Variations add-on adds the following new fields, available via Products API or Product Variations API:

  • variation_group_id—variation group ID;
  • variation_group_code—symbol code of the variation group;
  • variation_parent_product_id—parent product ID;
  • variation_sub_group_id—subgroup symbol ID;
  • variation_features—variants of the feature which purpose allows to create variations;
  • variation_feature_ids—IDs of features that were used to create the product variation group;
  • variation_feature_collection—collection of features and their purposes that were used to create the product variation group.

Creating/Updating Products

The logics of creation/updating products in a variation group is inherited from Products. The Product Variations add-on considers the following fields when creating/updating products:

  • variation_feature_values—list of the product feature values in the feature_id: variant_id format. Allows you to change the values of those features that were used to create variation groups.
  • variation_group_id—variation group ID. Allows you to add the product to the variation group.


  • Get the list of the products by variation group:

    • Example 1:

      curl -X GET "" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
              -H "Authorization: Basic ******"

      Where :id is a variation group ID.

    • Example 2:

      curl -X GET "" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Authorization: Basic ******"

      Where :id is a variation group ID.

    • Example 3:

      curl -X GET "" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Authorization: Basic ******"

      Where :code is a symbol code of the variation group.

    • Example 4:

      curl -X GET "" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Authorization: Basic ******"

      Where :id is a variation group ID.

  • Get only variations:

    • Example 1:

      curl -X GET "" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Authorization: Basic ******"
    • Example 2:

      curl -X GET "" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Authorization: Basic ******"
  • Add a product to the variation group:

    curl -X PUT "" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Basic ******" \
    -d '{"variation_group_id":11}'

    Where :id is the product ID.

  • Create a product and add it to the variation group:

    curl -X POST "" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Basic ******" \
    -d '{"product":"Pants","price":150,"product_features":{"549":1199,"548":1195},"category_ids":[224]}'

    Where :code is a symbol code of the variation group.


API entity for removing a variation from the variation group.

URL—only POST requests are supported.

Request Example

curl -X POST "" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -H "Authorization: Basic ******" \
 -d '{}'

Where :id is a product ID that has to be deleted from the product variation group.


If the request is successful, you’ll receive 201 HTTP.


API entity for setting a variation as the default one.

URL—only POST requests are supported.

Request Example

curl -X POST "" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -H "Authorization: Basic ******" \
 -d '{}'

Where :id is the ID of the new default product in the variation group.


If the request is successful, you’ll receive 201 HTTP.


API entity for generating variations based on combinations of product features.

URL—only POST requests are supported.

Request Example

curl -X POST "" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -H "Authorization: Basic ****" \
 -d '{"combinations":[{"548":1193,"549":1200},{"548":1197,"549":1199}]}'


  • :id is the ID of the product to create variations for;
  • combinations is the list of the feature variants combinations in the feature_id: variant_id format.




  • group—object that describes a variation group. Check this article to find out more about the variation groups.
  • products_status— statuses of the result of adding the product to the variation group in the product_id: result format. The result can take on the following values:
    • 0—no changes;
    • 1—the product has been added to the variation group;
    • 2—the product has been updated in the variation group;
    • 253—the vendor/storefront the product belongs to does not match other products in the variation group;
    • 254—the combination of feature variants already exists in the variation group;
    • 255—the product does not have the feature that matches the variation group;
    • 200—unknown error.


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