Product Option Combinations

Product Option Combinations

Product options in CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor can be grouped in option combinations—this is useful for tracking products. For example, clothes come in various colors and sizes. It’s convenient to track separately, how many blue XL T-shirts and white M T-shirts you have. You can also separate code and image for the combination.


A product option must have the Inventory checkbox ticked (inventory=Y) to be a part of the combination. Only the options of the Checkbox, Select box, and Radiogroup type have that checkbox.

List Option Combinations of a Product

To get a list of option combination of a specific product, send a GET request to /api/combinations/?product_id=:id. For example:

GET /api/combinations/?product_id=12

If the request is successful, you’ll receive HTTP/1.1 200 OK and JSON with all the option combinations of the product.

Response Format

Let’s make a test request:

GET /api/combinations/?product_id=12&items_per_page=2

If the request is successful, you’ll receive HTTP/1.1 200 OK. The response is JSON with the following data:

  "product_id": "12",
  "product_code": "",
  "combination_hash": "822274303",
  "combination": {
        "3": "12",
        "4": "17"
  "amount": "50",
  "temp": "N",
  "position": "0",
  "image_pairs": {
        "pair_id": "808",
        "image_id": "0",
        "detailed_id": "864",
        "position": "0",
        "detailed": {
            "object_id": "822274303",
            "object_type": "product_option",
            "image_path": "http://localhost/images/detailed/0/173283_01.jpg",
            "alt": "",
            "image_x": "500",
            "image_y": "500",
            "http_image_path": "http://localhost/images/detailed/0/173283_01.jpg",
            "https_image_path": "https://localhost/images/detailed/0/173283_01.jpg",
            "absolute_path": "/var/www/html/images/detailed/0/173283_01.jpg",
            "relative_path": "detailed/0/173283_01.jpg"
  "product_id": "12",
  "product_code": "",
  "combination_hash": "2310967194",
  "combination": {
        "3": "13",
        "4": "17"
  "amount": "50",
  "temp": "N",
  "position": "1",
  "image_pairs": {
        "pair_id": "809",
        "image_id": "0",
        "detailed_id": "865",
        "position": "0",
        "detailed": {
            "object_id": "2310967194",
            "object_type": "product_option",
            "image_path": "http://localhost/images/detailed/0/173283_0113298248354f43844356dc9.jpg",
            "alt": "",
            "image_x": "500",
            "image_y": "500",
            "http_image_path": "http://localhost/images/detailed/0/173283_0113298248354f43844356dc9.jpg",
            "https_image_path": "https://localhost/images/detailed/0/173283_0113298248354f43844356dc9.jpg",
            "absolute_path": "/var/www/html/images/detailed/0/173283_0113298248354f43844356dc9.jpg",
            "relative_path": "detailed/0/173283_0113298248354f43844356dc9.jpg"

Get a Specific Option Combination

To get the details of a specific option combination, send a GET request to /api/combinations/<combination_hash>. For example:

GET /api/combinations/822274303

If the request is successful, you’ll receive HTTP/1.1 200 OK and JSON with the details of the option combination.

Option Combination Details

The fields below represent various details of an option combination.


The CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor REST API always accepts and returns data as strings and arrays/objects. The Values column in the table merely shows what kind of data you can expect in the fields.

Parameter Values Description
product_id integer The unique identifier of the product that the option combination is associated with.
product_code integer The product code of the option combination.
combination_hash integer The hash of the option combination.
combination object The options and variants that comprise the combination.
amount integer Determines how many items of this combination are in stock.
position integer The lower this number, the higher the option combination appears on the list in the Administration panel.
image_pairs object The information about the image of the option combination.

Create an Option Combination

To create an option combination, send a POST request to /api/combinations/.

Pass the fields with the option combination details in the HTTP request body in accordance with the passed Content-Type. Required fields are marked with *:

  • product_id*—the unique identifier of the product that the option combination is associated with.

  • amount—how many items of this combination are in stock.


    This parameter appears in the Administration panel only if the product is tracked with options.

  • position—the lower this number, the higher the option combination appears on the list in the Administration panel.

  • combination—the options and variants that comprise the combination.


    The options you specify should be available for the product and should have inventory=Y.

    You can’t set image_pairs or product_code with the POST request.

Example JSON:

 "product_id": "4",
 "combination": {
     "24": "74",
     "25": "80",
     "26": "86"
 "amount": "34",
 "position": "10"

This request creates a new option combination for the product with product_id=4. This combination consists of:

  • Variant 74 of option 24
  • Variant 80 of option 25
  • Variant 86 of option 26

There are 34 items of this particular combination in stock.

If the option combination is created successfully, you will receive HTTP/1.1 201 Created and the combination hash in the response:

 "combination_hash": "2822626827"

If the option couldn’t be created, you will receive HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

Update an Option Combination

To update an existing option combination, send the PUT request to /api/combinations/<combination_hash>/. For example:

PUT /api/combinations/2822626827

Pass the fields with option combination details in the HTTP request body in accordance with the passed Content-Type. None of the fields are required.


You can’t update the combination field directly with the PUT request.

Example JSON:

 "product_code": "Product 34214",
 "amount": "42",
 "position": "0"

This request changes the amount of items in stock, the product code of the combination, and the position of the combination on the list.

Delete an Option Combination

To delete an option combination, send the DELETE request to /api/combinations/<combination_hash>?product_id=:id.


Product ID is specified to check if the user has permission to delete this combination.

DELETE /api/combinations/2822626827?product_id=4

This request deletes the specified option combination of the product.

Possible responses:

  • HTTP/1.1 204 No Content—the option combination has been deleted successfully.
  • HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request—the option combination couldn’t be deleted.
  • HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found—the option combination doesn’t exist.


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