Product Features

Product Features



A product feature has a number of properties, represented by fields.

The full list of supported fields is given below (mandatory fields are marked with *).


Any field not listed in the table below will be ignored if occurs in an API request JSON data.

Field name Description Default value Supported values
company_id* Store or vendor to which the feature belongs. Default company ID Valid company ID
description* Feature name ‘’ string
feature_type* Feature type
C—Check box: Single
M—Check box: Multiple
S—Select box: Text
N—Select box: Number
E—Select box: Brand/Manufacturer
T—Others: Text
O—Others: Number
D—Others: Date
G—group of features
purpose Determines what the feature will be used for. Usually inferred from feature_type. Depends on feature_type
find_products—help customers find products via filters
group_catalog_item—variations as separate products (part of product_variations add-on)
group_variation_catalog_item—variations as one product (part of product_variations add-on)
organize_catalog—brand, author, etc.
describe_product—additional non-filterable information
feature_style Determines the appearance of this feature on the storefront. Usually inferred from feature_type. Depends on feature_type
dropdown (for variations)
dropdown_images (for variations)
dropdown_labels (for variations)
brand (for brands)
filter_style Determines the appearance of a filter by this feature, and what values this feature accepts. Usually inferred from feature_type. Depends on feature_type
slider (numbers)
categories_path Categories to which the feature can be applied. ‘’ Comma-separated string of category IDs
comparison Determines whether to show this feature on a product comparison page or not. N
display_on_catalog Determines whether show this feature in the product catalog or not. N
display_on_product Determines whether to show this feature on a detailed product page or not. N
display_on_header Determines whether to show this feature under the product header or not. N
feature_id The unique ID of the feature. Set automatically integer
full_description Feature description. ‘’ string
group_position Position in group. 0 integer
parent_id ID of the parent group (0 if there is no parent group). 0 integer
position The position of this feature in the feature list. 0 integer
prefix The prefix of the feature name. ‘’ string
status Status A
suffix The suffix of the feature name. ‘’ string
value Feature value Value depending on the feature type.
value_int Feature integer value. integer
variant_id (only for types with variants) ID of the selected variant. integer
variants (only for types with variants) Available feature value variants. object with variant ID as key and variant data as value (content explained below)

Product Feature Variants

Field name Description Default value Supported values
description Variant description ‘’ string
feature_id ID of the feature the variant is assigned to. integer
feature_type Type of the feature the variant is assigned to. Valid feature type (see above)
image_pair For Brand/Manufacturer only: Images NULL Valid image pair
lang_code Language code Default language code Valid language code (see above)
meta_description For Brand/Manufacturer only: Meta description ‘’ string
color For "filter_style": "color" only: the color hex code ‘’ string
meta_keywords For Brand/Manufacturer only: Meta keywords ‘’ string
page_title For Brand/Manufacturer only: Page title ‘’ string
position Variant position 0 integer
selected ID of the selected variant Set automatically integer
url For Brand/Manufacturer only: URL ‘’ string
variant Variant name string
variant_id Variant ID Set automatically integer

Example Usage

GET /features/

curl -X GET ''

This example request returns the list of product features with their properties.

GET /features/:id/

curl -X GET ''

This example request returns the properties of the product feature with feature_id=14.

POST /features/

Send the data in the body of the HTTP request. The data should comply with the content-type.

If you successfully create a feature, you will receive HTTP/1.1 201 Created.

If the feature couldn’t be created, you will receive HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

Required fields: company_id, description, feature_type

Available fields: company_id, feature_type, purpose, feature_style, filter_style, parent_id, display_on_product, display_on_catalog, display_on_header, description, lang_code, prefix, suffix, categories_path, full_description, status, comparison, position, variants


Currently you can’t set the image_pair for a product feature via REST API.

curl --header 'Content-type: application/json' -X POST '' --data-binary '{"company_id":"1", "feature_type":"C", "description":"Handmade", "status":"A"}'

This example request creates a new checkbox feature called Handmade in the store with the company_id=1. The status of this product feature is set to Active.

In the response you receive the ID of the feature.

{feature_id: 22}

PUT /features/:id/

Send the data in the body of the HTTP request. The data should comply with the content-type.

Required fields: company_id, description, feature_type

Available fields: company_id, feature_type, parent_id, display_on_product, display_on_catalog, display_on_header, description, lang_code, prefix, suffix, categories_path, full_description, status, comparison, position, variants


Currently you can’t set the image_pair for a product feature via REST API.

curl --header 'Content-type: application/json' -X PUT '' --data-binary '{"company_id":"1", "feature_type":"S", "comparison":"Y", "variants":[{"variant": "Unique"}, {"variant": "Mass-produced"}]}'

This example request turns the feature with feature_id=22 (Handmade in our case) into a Select Box: Text feature and creates 2 new variants for it: Unique and Mass-produced. The request also makes this feature appear on the product comparison page.

To update an already existing variant, add its variant_id to the object:


Learn the variant IDs of a feature with GET /features/:id.

curl --header 'Content-type: application/json' -X PUT '' --data-binary '{"company_id":"1", "feature_type":"S", "variants":[{"variant_id":"150", "variant":"Unique"}, {"variant_id":"151", "variant":"Mass-produced"}]}'

This example request updates the variants of the the feature with feature_id=22 (Handmade in our case)


Be sure to send all the feature variants in the object—the variants that you don’t send will be lost.

In the response you receive the ID of the feature.

{feature_id: 22}

DELETE /features/:id/

If you successfully delete a product feature, you will receive HTTP/1.1 204 No Content.

If the product feature couldn’t be deleted, you will receive HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

If the product feature doesn’t exist, you will receive HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found.

curl -X DELETE ''

This example request deletes the product feature with the feature_id=22.

Working with the Features of a Product

Learn a Product’s Features

To get the features of a product use the following method:

curl -X GET ''

This example request returns the list of features of a product with product_id=14.

Create a Product with a Feature

Suppose we have a product feature of the Other: Text type with feature_id=23.

Let’s specify the value of this feature as we create a new product with POST /products/.

Send the data in the body of the HTTP request. The data should comply with the content-type.

curl --header 'Content-type: application/json' -X POST '' --data-binary '{"product": "New Product", "category_ids": "223", "main_category": "223", "price": "10", "status": "A", "product_features": {"23": {"feature_type": "T", "value": "Test"}}}'

This example request creates a new product with the value of the feature set to Test.

If you successfully create a product, you will receive the ID of the product in the response.

{product_id: 250}

Update a Product’s Feature

Update a feature of a product using PUT /products/:id/.

Send the data in the body of the HTTP request. The data should comply with the content-type.

curl --header 'Content-type: application/json' -X PUT '' --data-binary {"product_features": {"23": {"feature_type": "T", "value": "Feature updated"}}}

This example request updates the product with product_id=250. It sets the value of the text feature with feature_id=23 to Feature updated.

In the response you receive the ID of the product.

{product_id: 250}


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